the weblog of Alan Knox article: Sunday 101: We don’t really choose a church

Posted by on Mar 27, 2011 in | 1 comment

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. This article is part of my “Sunday 101” series, and it’s called “Sunday 101: We don’t really choose a church.”

Unfortunately, the modern practice of “church membership” often works to divide the church. God places us together with other believers because we need each other. However, we often allow our “church membership” to separate us for those very believers that God has placed in our lives.

Here is part of the article:

Most churches, including those in the Raeigh area, have membership requirements and membership rolls. These requirements and rolls express who is part of that particular church and who is not part of that particular church. The rolls and requirements not only separate believers from nonbelievers, but they usually also separate believers from other believers.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article.

One Comment

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  1. 3-27-2011


    Read the article. Excellent.

    Do you get much feedback?