the weblog of Alan Knox article: Sunday 101: Who should speak to the church?

Posted by on Mar 13, 2011 in | 1 comment

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. This article is part of my Sunday 101 series. It is called “Sunday 101: Who should speak to the church?

While the modern church has certain requirements one has to meet before speaking to the church, Scripture has a different set of requirements. Interestingly, in Scripture, any believer is given the opportunity to speak to the church as long as a few simple things are kept in mind.

Here is an excerpt from my article:

There is nothing in Scripture that limits speaking to the church (in any setting, even the Sunday morning worship service) only to leaders, pastors, or other specially trained and ordained individuals. Instead, the Spirit provides what is needed through any believer to speaks motivated by love and desire to edify the church.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article.

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  1. 3-13-2011


    Some would argue here that women are to keep silent. But, this issue aside, I have never read any limitations placed upon who can speak, either.