the weblog of Alan Knox article: Who will give the State of the Church address?

Posted by on Jan 26, 2011 in | 2 comments

I’ve published another article on as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The new article is called “Who will give the State of the Church address?

(In reality, I could have also asked, “To whom would the State of the Church address be given?”)

I was prompted to write this article after President Obama gave the State of Union address yesterday, and after thinking about the division in the church today.

Here is part of the article:

I’ve read recently that many pastors are planning to give a State of the Church address this Sunday. One problem with this is that most (perhaps all?) are focusing on their little corner of the church. Yes, I mean “little” even for the largest megachurches. The church is larger than any local group of believers.

Please use the link above to read the entire article (it’s short – only 300 words).


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  1. 1-26-2011


    Your education is certainly wanting! Didn’t you know that “my” church, whatever that is, is the ONLY non-heretical, biblically correct one? 🙂

  2. 1-26-2011

    Aussie John,

    I’ve heard that before.
