the weblog of Alan Knox

Not on Sunday!

Posted by on Jan 18, 2011 in blog links | 7 comments

Bobby at “Deconstructing Neverland” asks “Where were you @ 11 o’clock on Sunday?

He has this weird idea that the best place for Jesus’ followers at that holy hour may be out and about around the neighborhood, looking for opportunities to share the love of God in Jesus Christ and to serve their neighbors.

Bobby writes:

I have been bouncing an idea around in my head. What if my family and I wander around our neighborhood during the corporate worship service hour and look for folks walking their dog, washing their car, cleaning their yard or whatever and tell them all about what Jesus has done, is doing, and will do for us and listen for ways to serve them? I’m thinking it would be a great way to get to know our neighbors and maybe advance the kingdom. What do you think?

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. The same thing that I’m thinking. Bobby has gone off the deep end. Everyone knows that the Bible teaches that good Christians are supposed to make their way to the church building at 11:00 on Sunday morning… earlier if they’re real spiritual.


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  1. 1-18-2011

    I think I have lost my mind. Or being transformed…The Bobby from a year ago would tell the Bobby of today that the best way to be equipped for that work would be to “go to church” and that there are plenty of other hour in the week to reach my neighbors without taking away from “worship times”. Thanks for linking to my post!

  2. 1-18-2011

    I wonder if it must be one, or the other. As Bobby says, “…there are plenty of other hours in the week to reach my neighbors…”. In other words, is an assembly of christians (even with some of the inherent limitations of traditional corporate gatherings) really standing in the way?

  3. 1-18-2011


    You’re half right. “The Bobby from a year ago” (from Bobby), had a lost mind. “the Bobby of today” has his mind.

    I hope his mind includes the need for mutual edification, which I think it does!

  4. 1-18-2011

    Bobby and Chris (Pondero),

    We need to gather together regularly with brothers and sisters in Christ. But we also need to be our and about in our neighborhoods, even as a group.

    Aussie John,

    It wasn’t too long ago that I also taught that Christians should be in the church building every time the doors are open.


  5. 7-20-2012

    No, Aussiejohn…the Bobby of today has the “mind of Christ”. My little bro is an “elder” for sure! 🙂

  6. 7-20-2012

    A church in Philly takes one Sunday off a month to hit the streets and meet people, pray for them and tell them about the Lord. Great idea and nothing wrong with it, whatsoever.

  7. 7-21-2012

    Have actually done this. I counted five church fellowships in my neighborhood having servcies. Life outside of those spots went on as normal. I share that with everyone wanting to start ministry in our neighborhood