the weblog of Alan Knox

Jesus will lead you to “the least”

Posted by on Feb 7, 2011 in blog links, community, missional, service | 9 comments

So, here’s the deal. If you’re following Jesus, he will lead you to “the least.” (If you don’t know who “the least” are, then please read Matthew 25:31-45.)

Where Jesus certainly answers a few theological type questions, I don’t see examples of him sitting around for house discussing the minute details of a specific theological issue. (Perhaps that’s only because he couldn’t get enough people to come to his conference?)

Anyway, I know that everyone and their sister is linking to these posts written by Keith from “subversive1,” but I want to link to them too, in case you haven’t seen them:

How to Start a Ministry to the Poor in your Community: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5.

Perhaps you are already serving the poor, the hungry, the thirsty, the unemployed, the elderly, the orphans, etc. in your community. Great! Please write about it so that others can follow your example. (Many Christians have NEVER seen an example of other Christians serving “the least.”) However, if you are not serving others, then why not follow some of Keith’s suggestions?

By the way, you may disagree with the way that Keith is serving, or you may disagree with the way that I’m serving, but if you are not serving “the least,” then our ways are much, much better than your way. So, if you want to disagree, do so with a lifestyle of service and not just your words.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 2-7-2011

    I really enjoyed these posts as well.

    You know what I’m finding though? It is hard to be led to the least when you have some of the least living in your home…and by that I mean little children. We live in a somewhat remote area, and over the past several days, I have called every homeless shelter, food panty, ministry outreach center, warming center, etc., etc. within 30 miles and so far, every single one says that while they have volunteer opportunities for adults, they do not allow anyone under 16 years old.

    I have even contacted a few churches, and unless my family wants to serve pancakes at the annual men’s pancake breakfast (attended primarily by men from the church), they don’t have any opportunities for families either.

    Any suggestions or ideas?

  2. 2-7-2011

    Alan – not sure whose sister is linking to my articles but I’m glad that you did. 🙂

    Yes, my approach is probably not the same as others, but whether or not you serve my way or your way, let’s please just follow Jesus to where the hurting, the least and the lost are desperate for real, tangible expressions of the love we have so richly received.


  3. 2-7-2011

    Jeremy – I got your email and I’ll respond soon, but one quick idea is to just take your kids with you to a local senior home and start visiting people there. You don’t need a release form and there are no age restrictions to do this.

    We’ve always taken our kids with us whenever we serve and maybe that’s because we almost never go through a non-profit but we create our own opportunties.

    I understand that if you’re starting out you probably don’t want to create your own ministry overnight just to bring your kids along but visiting senior homes is an easy option for families w/ younger kids.

    I’ll be praying that the Lord leads you and your family as you follow Him in this path. He will direct your steps if you continue to seek His heart in this.


  4. 2-7-2011

    Thanks Keith.

    That’s a good idea. I’ll keep you posted as we progress.

  5. 2-7-2011


    I’ll echo what Keith has already said. We’ve spent time serving people in nursing homes, and we’ve taking our children along. Also, we’ve spent time with people who live in a government assisted housing development (where another friend lived). Our children went with us there as well. Finally, the food pantry that we work with allows children with their parents. So, look for opportunities; they’re there.


    You said, “[L]et’s please just follow Jesus to where the hurting, the least and the lost are desperate for real, tangible expressions of the love we have so richly received.” Yes, that’s the exhortation that I continue to read in Scripture: This is what God has done for you in and through Jesus Christ; so, live in a manner worthy of that!


  6. 2-7-2011

    I quoted the comments on this post on my blog. I hoep you guys don’t mind, but Jeremy asked exactly what I was thinking and you guys had some great answers.


  7. 2-7-2011

    i try not to draw attention to where we are lead to serve the “least”..

    after much prayer i decided to humbly link to us so you can see what my wife and I do..

    first is the Gathering Lakeside. It started with me and my Bible over a cup of coffee at the lake.. i guess three years ago or more..

    now it is a small congregation of mostly homeles, with a few men and woman from different churches that have passed by while we were gathered.

    we gather on Saturdays so it does not interfere with us attending wherever we go on Sunday mornings. Most ask what denomination? seventh Day Adventists? (due to sat meeting) i just say no, i guess everyday adventisits… WINK

    We try to be servants to all who come. We do street ministry. I am now called pastor for some time by most in the area although the church or where we gather has no walls or roof. I am humbled to shepherd these folk and i must say it is exhausting to the point of tears at times.

    The news stations as well a local christian TV has asked repeatedly to do a show on us but i avoid all exposure. I want no fame and would prefer not to allow the dignity of our friends who live outside be exploited for someone to watch as entertainment.

    i have just recently received a complaint from a city parks dept worker about church in the park. he complained there are no more beer cans to collect due to the homeless all getting sober. Seven men have been sober for over 60 days. three are in rehab, two more are in permanent housing.

    I did not know what to call what we do but i am a reader of your blog for some time. I have studied this word “gather” for some time. I went with it.. we gather lakeside, camp-side, home-side, ocean-side, etc…

    The Lord Gathers. We teach the bible first and most importantly, we help with whatever we can, we visit the camps.

    Those of us involved with the gathering lakeside also team up with Matthews Hope. I do the pastoral counseling as well as clean the toilets. My wife is an RN and serves anyway she can as well. Pastor Scott does the business end and I do the Jesus end with many volunteers., Little kids are welcome to help as well.

    what a joy to see folks who live outside teach these little servants of Christ how to paint, or make a necklace, or just share stories.. I often cry in the background as I witness God at work using the broken bits of His Body to just love on each other..

    I am sorry if this is not what you meant or needed posted here. Feel free to delete this post.

    Be blessed and thanks to all of you,
    Brother Frankie

  8. 2-7-2011


    Thank you for posting our comments. Sometimes I think we’re just talking to one another. I’m glad to see that my blog is helping people ACT as well as talk.


    Excellent comment! Thank you for letting us know how God is using your and your wife.


  9. 2-7-2011

    i linked to you.. hope its ok..
    u r loved my friends..

    as ive said before, i learn, or should i say re-learn so much here. i am in debt to all of you…


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