the weblog of Alan Knox

Scripture… As We Live It #143

Posted by on Feb 13, 2011 in as we live it, scripture | 3 comments

This is the 143rd passage in “Scripture… As We Live It.”

When you can be certain that you are not being taken advantage of and when you can be certain that the person will use your service only for good, Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God but don’t think of this as worship; it’s just doing good things. (Hebrews 13:16 re-mix)

(Please read the first post for an explanation of this series.)


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  1. 2-13-2011

    It’s sad how many times I’ve been chastised for going against this mindset. It sucks, plain and simple.

  2. 2-13-2011

    While the Scripture doesn’t say “don’t get taken advantage of”, I think this is just good common sense. I’ve been taken advantage of, and had to stop giving. Jesus didn’t allow Himself to get taken advantage of either.

    God bless, Richie

  3. 2-14-2011

    Richard: Not to be abrasive, but what are your thoughts on Jesus and the 10 lepers? 9/10 of those guys may not have went and gotten drunk or anything like that but it looks to me like they still took advantage of Jesus. At the very least I think it fits to say that Jesus did something good for them and they didn’t respond in kind.