the weblog of Alan Knox article: Where is the power of God in Raleigh?

Posted by on Mar 4, 2011 in | 2 comments

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “Where is the power of God in Raleigh?

Many people look to specially trained or ordained people to demonstrate the power of God. We expect our pastor, bishops, deacons, or professors to demonstrate the power of God for us.

But, Scripture says that the power of God is at work in us when we all work together.

Here is part of my article:

Where is the power of God? The power of God is found in the lives and activities of every child of God when working together with other Christians. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to the church as they are knit and joined together.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read this short article.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 3-5-2011

    “Unfortunately, most of God’s children are not taught or encouraged to demonstrate his power through their lives. They are only equipped to sit and listen. It’s time to release God’s children from our organizations and set them free to serve him in their lives. This may mean that many of the Christian leaders, pastors, bishops, professors, etc. will have to step out of the way and allow God to use his people in way that they would never imagine.”

    Excellent piece Alan.

  2. 3-5-2011


