the weblog of Alan Knox

Two Stories from the Food Pantry

Posted by on May 27, 2011 in love, service | Comments Off on Two Stories from the Food Pantry

Margaret (my wife) and I had the opportunity to talk with and pray for people waiting to receive food from a local food pantry.

The people working “behind the scenes” at the food pantry are starting to get more volunteers, and they’re starting to move people through more quickly. This is good for the people getting food, because they do not have to wait as long.

But, it’s bad for those of us who are trying to talk with the people while they wait, because we don’t have as much time. Yesterday, Margaret and I were the only ones spending time with the people while they waited.

The stories from two families stand out…

The first couple was struggling with their relationship. As is the case in most marriages, there were problems on both sides, the husband and the wife. The good thing is that while they were not talking much yesterday, they were willing to talk with someone further.

The other story came from a man who lost his arm up to his elbow when a customer at his pawn shop accidentally discharged a handgun into his hand. Yes, it was a gruesome story, but the follow-up was worse. His parents and his wife left him, and he continues to live with constant pain. Unfortunately, the God’s family hasn’t been much help, and his faith is suffering.

Sometimes it’s difficult to hear stories like this, especially when you’re looking into the eyes of the people who are living it. But, every time I think about giving up, I remember that God has placed me here to show his love to “the least” in our community.