the weblog of Alan Knox

Brother, the line between us is artificial

Posted by on Jun 8, 2011 in blog links | 2 comments

First, I want to thank Chris at “The Amplified Life” for his kind words about me and my blog in his post “We’ve Crossed ‘the Line.’

Then, I wan to encourage you to read that post. No, I don’t want you to pat me on the back. I want you to notice what Chris is talking about.

Yes, there are differences and disagreements between Chris and myself. You can read about some of them in his post.

But, that which (or who) unites us is more important and bigger than anything that might separate us.

That’s the way it is with brothers and sisters. We are family because of our common relationship with God. Anything that we allow to get in the way is artificial.

(By the way, keep up the great blogging and living, Chris! You’ve been a great encouragement to me as well!)


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  1. 6-8-2011


    I can only enthusiastically,applaud Chris’s article. I don’t mind giving you an pat on the back either, but, don’t let it go to your head.:)

  2. 6-8-2011

    Aussie John,

    I trust you and others to correct me if it goes to my head. Plus, I have nothing to brag about. Anything good that comes through my life (including my writing) is completely because of God’s work, not mine.
