the weblog of Alan Knox

My daughter, the missionary

Posted by on Jul 8, 2011 in personal | 4 comments

I’m very proud of my 13 (nearly 14, but not yet) year old daughter, Miranda.

I’ve talked about her photography on my blog before, but that’s not why I’m proud of her this time.

This time, I’m proud of her because she’s traveling to Florida with a group from another church next week to serve others and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. That’s right; she’s going on a short-term mission trip.

This will not be her first trip of this kind. She went to Nicaragua with us when she was only 7-8 years old. But, this will be her first mission trip without her parents.

On this trip, they will primarily be helping low income home owners do home repair, landscaping, etc. She will probably be painting most of the time. Of course, she will also get to interact with the home owners, and, knowing her, they will fall in love with her.

In the last year or so, she has really started serving others. We’ve been excited to see the way that God has used her to show his love to people, from widows to neighbors in need to people at a local food pantry.

She’s still very shy about talking to people, so we’re praying that God helps her with that this week.

Would you join us in praying for Miranda next week? (She leaves early early tomorrow – Saturday – morning and gets back next Saturday.)


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  1. 7-8-2011

    Great news Maranda – I find it helpful to think about strangers in this way “a stranger is just a friend you have never met”. May God bless you on your trip, will be praying for you.

  2. 7-8-2011

    Sorry Miranda – just my dyslexia!

  3. 7-8-2011


    You ought to be proud! Will pray. Wish I had a son her age, I’d send him over for a visit 🙂

  4. 7-9-2011

    Thanks for praying for her! She left about 4:00 a.m. this morning and still has about 6 hours of travelling to get to Florida.
