the weblog of Alan Knox

My missional daughter

Posted by on Sep 20, 2008 in missional | 2 comments

I don’t think my 11 year old daughter, Miranda, knows the word “missional”. But, she does understand that she is to live her life demonstrating God’s love to others. She also understand that when she gives to others, God blesses her. She wrote the following for a writing class (I’m writing this just as she did):

When I look at my crocheted butterfly it reminds me of Mrs. Jenny and Hillside Nursing Home. Mrs. Jenny is one of the ladys at Hillside. Mrs. Jenny is also the one who makes crocheted butterflys. She makes them for people that visit her and because it is something to do. She learned how to crochet after she arrived at the nursing home. One Saturday we went to see her and she surprised us with butterflys. One for my mom, dad, my brother, and me. We visit her every Saturday. We met her because some of our friends have a story time where they read the bible and sing songs. We have met alot of people from Hillside. When we go to see Mrs. Jenny she likes to tell us storys. Since she has no family she tells us about her friends, the nurses, and something about her. She also likes to paint. She painted us a picture of a cross. It is beautiful. Mrs. Jenny and the people at Hillside are really sweet. I am so glad we went to story time. I am also so glad that we met Mrs. Jenny.

We’ll probably go see Mrs. Jenny the Saturday that I publish this post. (I’ve written about Mrs. Jenny before in posts called “Faces, Names, Lives“; “I think we’ve been adopted“; “She said, ‘I’m very close.’“; “Saturday Church“; and “Lord’s Supper as a meal in practice“.)


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  1. 9-20-2008

    How incredible, Alan 🙂 Miranda has a very open heart…to give it a name….compassion. I am sure that Mrs. Jenny is glad to have met Miranda as well.

  2. 9-20-2008


    I told Mrs. Jenny today that Miranda wrote about her. She was very proud of that. I’m also proud of both of my children. God is working in both of their lives, and I’m not even sure that they notice it.
