the weblog of Alan Knox

My Missional Daughter, Again

Posted by on Nov 18, 2008 in love, missional | 2 comments

A couple of months ago, I wrote about an essay that my 11 year old daughter, Miranda, wrote for her writing class. The post was called “My Missional Daughter“. She wrote another essay about raking leaves on Sunday (see my post “Gathering and Going Out Together“). Here is her essay:

Sunday our family and some other people from our church went to a neighborhood, and raked some leaves for some families in that neighborhood. We were out there for a few hours, and raked about six or more yards. Even though we had to work it was really fun because we got to help out a lot of people.

I’m realizing that even if you do something small for someone it can mean a whole lot to him or her.

I’m very proud of my daughter. Neither my wife nor I gave her the idea to write about raking leaves. I’m glad that she’s learning how to love people as a demonstration of God’s love for her and for them.


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  1. 11-18-2008

    Obviously she has great role models. May you and your wife keep up the good work!

  2. 11-18-2008


    Like all parents, we’re both good and bad role models. Thanks though.
