the weblog of Alan Knox

Looking for interesting ways to make disciples? Here are some…

Posted by on Aug 10, 2011 in blog links, discipleship | Comments Off on Looking for interesting ways to make disciples? Here are some…

Felicity Dale at “Simply Church” has written a very good article called “How can you start a simple/organic/house church?

She gives several examples, but, interestingly, the examples are about making disciples. In other words, someone went into a certain context in order to disciple others. As people were discipled and helped to walk in Jesus Christ, there was a church.

I think her post may be a great encouragement to others who want to reach out beyond their comfort zones, who want to find opportunities to disciple others, but who may find themselves currently trapped in a Christian bubble – always spending time with other Christians.

Here are some of the examples that she gives in her post:

  • We pulled together a group of not-yet-believing businessmen to study business principles using the Bible as our textbook. They all found the Lord–a church was born.
  • We started a kid’s Bible club–on a Sunday morning so that we reached the kids from non-Christian families because the Christian families were in church. When some of the kids found the Lord, some of their parents asked to join in too.
  • I started a couple of churches in retirement centers. (I didn’t use the word “church” when approaching the management). Fairly soon, they were led by the residents.
  • We have started several churches with our kids and their non-Christian friends.
  • A new-Ager was led to the Lord by a friend who asked us to follow up with her. She pulled a group of her friends together and they too became believers. Right from the start it was led by the new believer (who we mentored).
  • We followed Luke 10 principles to start a church in the low-income housing projects.
  • We have started church at work.

What do you think of these examples? Can you think of other contexts where people may find others who are interested in learning more about following Christ and becoming his disciples?