the weblog of Alan Knox

Go and Make Disciples…

Posted by on Dec 13, 2006 in blog links, discipleship, edification, service | 2 comments

Tomorrow, Thursday, December 14, my PhD mentor, David Alan Black and his wife, Becky, are leaving for Ethiopia to share the gospel and edify the church. I have been greatly encouraged to read how God has used them to minister to the believers in Ethiopia. Most importantly to me, the Blacks felt God calling them to Ethiopia, so they went. They did not wait for support or approval from a mission board. God is all the support and approval that they need.

Please pray for them over the next three weeks as they travel and minister to people who need the gospel and discipleship.

Here is more information about their previous trips and plans for their current trip.


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  1. 12-14-2006

    Go Bruchko!!

    (Translation: Amen!!)

  2. 12-14-2006


    Is that Amharic?
