the weblog of Alan Knox

Visualize every word in the Bible?

Posted by on Dec 9, 2011 in blog links | 7 comments

So, I saw this post/video on CNN iReport this morning called “Doug and the Bible Project.”

It sounds really good, but, to be honest, I just don’t get it. I’m not writing this to put down this project, but to honestly ask for help.

The short description sounds really good:

Doug recorded this video of himself assembling an art project that visualizes every word in the Bible.

“I really just wanted to see what it would look like to see the entire Bible all at once,” he said.

“Every page. Every word. Not just your favorite passage and ignoring what you don’t like. The whole thing. What would it look like?”

And, the video itself begins with these words:


This is not religious.

This is not political.

I just want to start a conversation.

What would it look like to see the entire Bible all at once?

You can jump over to the CNN page (link above) to watch the video, or watch it here:

I’m not going to comment on the video yet. But, I’m not certain what this guy is trying to do.

What do you think?


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  1. 12-9-2011

    Almost looks like he’s advertising a product/service here. Hmm.

    If you want to visualize every word in the Bible, wouldn’t a Wordle make more sense? Like this:

  2. 12-9-2011

    Hmm… I was surprised (and disappointed) to see that he was just copying and posting all the text. I expected to see a Wordle

  3. 12-9-2011

    Travis and Sondra,

    Yes, I was expecting something like Wordle, but even more amazing… especially since it was featured on the CNN belief blog.


  4. 12-9-2011

    Good grief. A tacky marketing scheme? Buy copies of the Bible and re-sell them for display? The music makes it sound like something out of Dan Brown novel-made-movie; the presentation reminds me of the pharonic method of inscribing holy words on the interior walls of a tomb, as if they had some magic power in themselves. A lot of drama for very little point, don’t you think?

  5. 12-9-2011

    Why do we need this? It sounds perhaps as though he is trying to make a name for himself.

  6. 12-9-2011

    Georgia Ana and Becky,

    Yeah, I’m not sure what the purpose of the video was. It did seem like a ad or marketing ploy. I didn’t feel like I understood anything better about the Bible after seeing it, and I’m not sure how seeing the actual project live would have helped.


  7. 12-10-2011


    He pasted all the pages of the bible up on some white board?