the weblog of Alan Knox

It’s not Monopoly. It’s not Life. It’s Worse!

Posted by on Feb 24, 2012 in discipleship | 6 comments

My friend Dan at “Some Church Stuff” (formerly “The Ekklesia in Southern Maine”) is revamping his website. He’s changed the name to broaden his topics. He’s also using a simple, clean design.

Yesterday, we talked about why he was writing for this site again. He said that all of these things were running through his mind, and he wanted to write about them. We wants to put them out there and see how they fly in the “real world.”

Now, Dan might eventually write some kind of exegesis or expositional post, but I’m thinking those will be few and far between. Instead, Dan is more of a cultural critic… but not just any culture. Nope. He’s a “church culture critic.”

His posts are sarcastic – and you know that I love sarcasm. But, some of you do not like sarcasm. So, it would probably be better for you to stay away from his blog. However, if you can stand a little (or a lot of) sarcasm, and can use it to examine your own life and motives, then I think Dan’s writings can be very helpful.

His first post was called “Just Ignore Me.”

But, his second post is even better. It’s called “Playing Games.” You should really read that post. In this post, Dan describes a “game” that sounds all too familiar.

By the way, Dan tells me that he welcomes feedback… even if you disagree with him.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 2-24-2012

    The guy in the picture is smoking. Are you advocating smoking, Alan? Some Church Stuff is not about smoking!

  2. 2-24-2012

    Thank you for the recommendation. I want to meet as many fellow travelers on this road as is practical.
    All the Best!

  3. 2-24-2012

    Ok, so Im beginning to think my parents are holding out on me and I’ve got a twin brother..Dan has put into words the things I’ve thought…LOVE IT..

  4. 2-24-2012


    I thought he was burning incense…


    I hope you enjoy Dan’s posts!


    Isn’t it great to find someone who expresses things in a way that you can readily understand?


  5. 2-24-2012

    Thanks for the recommend. I am an aficionado of fine sarcasm and snarkiness as well. Might I recommend my category Jesus Junk to you if you do like the satirical side of things.

  6. 2-25-2012


    I checked out several of your “Jesus Junk” posts. Good stuff!
