the weblog of Alan Knox

Scripture… As We Live It #206

Posted by on Apr 29, 2012 in as we live it, scripture | 6 comments

This is the 206th passage in “Scripture… As We Live It.”

But some of you have been anointed by the Holy One, and some of you all have knowledge. (1 John 2:20 re-mix)

(Please read the first post for an explanation of this series.)


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  1. 4-29-2012

    Maybe you should replace “some of you” with “seminary grads.”

  2. 4-29-2012

    Alan, 1John 2:20 in my kjv reads, but you have an unction from the holy one, and you know all things

    There is no you have and you do not have. He is speaking to the ones that believe. The ones that believe have the Holy Ghost according to Ephesians 1:13 the ones that beleve were, and are sealed with the Holy Ghost. Maybe because of free will, flesh and blood fighting the Spirit of truth and us with free choice might have put the Spirit hidden in us. And have not consciously asked for the Holy Spirit of truth to take control and or have asked for the Holy Ghost to turn on the fire and burn out our iniquities, joining Midrach, meshack, and abindigo in the Fire, coming out puried and us conciously knowing it now. For the Holy Spirit was seen in that fire.

  3. 4-29-2012

    I see what Howard is saying. But I think he is making your point. We actually live the verse exactly as you formed it. I taught on this subject a few weeks ago. I do so wish I thoughtvto use this. Love this series

  4. 4-30-2012

    Doug, I have found that in taking no thought, it is easier for the Hoily Ghost to lead than me. For when I take thought I tend to toss to and fro. I remember the words of Jesus take no thought of tommorrow. I looked at this and said what about todAY.Then i heard, Howard if you take no thought even of today you will have taken all thoughts captive to the obedience of christ. When you take no thought you are ready to hear the Holy Ghost lead you, and thus you will be available in and out of season. Just part of the learning God has been dealing with me about

  5. 4-30-2012

    Submitting to Jesus as “Lord of my my thoughts” has indeed been a difficult challenge. But as I do, I too find it easier to take no thought for tomorrow. I am also pondering what you said in referencing 2Corinthians 10 about taking every thought captive. Although I am not even close to being there with you, I would concur that the end of that level of obedience and discipline is a mind that doesn’t concern itself with the tomorrow. Rather, that man is lead of The Spirit.

  6. 4-30-2012

    Doug Rea says:

    Submitting to Jesus as “Lord of my my thoughts” has indeed been a difficult challenge. But as I do, I too find it easier to take no thought for tomorrow. I am also pondering what you said in referencing 2Corinthians 10 about taking every thought captive.

    Brother all i can say is just continue, no matter what goes on. Keep seekiing truth, and it will be shown totally unto you, by God himself in you, the holy ghost. I have found first and foremost prior to any growing in the Spirit I finalised that he (Christ) died for me and everyone else, and took all my sins away along with the rest of all people at the cross in his Fathers sight I found this very hard at first because I was so busy getting all my sins forgiven prior to saying to God. Okay you say I am forgiven before I can ever ask, and you say there is no need for me to ask, that your Son took all of it away at the cross. And John the babtist was the witness John 1:29. So God I am going to trust you and when I do sin I am going to say thank you for the sin, and ask how to say no, take all thoughts captive, throguh taking no thought of the enemy. knowing I need no more forgiveness, for you have already dealt with that. So then Father teach me how to say no to unrighteousness. Doug and all that are listening God has been teaching me ever since, but first I saw I needed to get past that I am forgiven and excercise this truth. No more shedding of blood therefore no more forgiveness. And all this did not happen over night. So all I can say brother is go to God in your prayer closet and ask to see. For me i never started to grow and understand the mystery until I gave up on myself trying to obey, and thus submitted to God I can’t, never could and especially after belief I found i even got worse at first.
    The foundation that Paul talked about Christ crucified, and we have lots of builders in christ, trying to build there own mansions, and the mansion is already built in Christ
    Matthew 5:17, John 19:30, and Hebrews 9:16. These three in context have a lot to say, read them and see for yourself. christ came to fullfill, Christ fullfilled, christ brought in a new covenant. we are no longer under the law of old. Yet it is preached continuously from our supposed men of God to obey and serve, keeping the believer in bondage, when Christ was clear he came to set us the ones that believe free John10:10
    The devil is doing a good job as the PRETENDER, keeping the flock under the law, thus keeping you, me and anyone that mixes law and grace in bondage to sin
    Love you Howard