the weblog of Alan Knox

A great run of guest blog posts

Posted by on May 14, 2012 in guest blogger | 3 comments

Over the last 12 weeks, I’ve posted 13 different “guest blogger” posts. I usually publish one guest post per week on Monday mornings. (One week, I posted a two part post, which is why it is 13 posts in 12 weeks.) All of these posts were sent in by readers, and they all generate some great discussion on the blog, on Facebook, and in real life.

Occasionally, I ask specific people to write guest posts for me. But, usually, people send me emails or Facebook messages or even leave comments on this blog about writing a guest post here.

If you’re interested in writing a guest post, please contact me. The easiest way to contact me is to email me at aknox [at] sebts [dot] edu.

I only have two requests about guest posts: 1) The post should relate to the church, and 2) The post should be less than 1000 words. (If the post is more than 1000 words, then I would prefer to split it into multiple posts.)

So, if there is something that you’d like to write or a question that you’d like to ask or some ideas that you’d like to toss around, send me an email or contact me here or on Facebook. I’ll be glad to publish your “guest blogger” post.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 5-14-2012

    If you ever find anything of value in my blogs (, feel free to use.

  2. 5-15-2012


    Thanks. I’ll try to read through some of your posts. But, if there’s one in particular that you’d like me to publish, let me know.


  3. 5-15-2012

    You read, you see what may stand out to you, you pray about it…your call. I would recommend the one entitled, “Integritas”, first. Whatever, though – feel free to pick what you feel led to use.