the weblog of Alan Knox

A Hymnal of Thanksgiving Carols

Posted by on Nov 17, 2012 in personal | 2 comments

A few years ago, our family and a friend were lamenting the fact that stores and radio stations were already playing Christmas music even though it was still weeks before Thanksgiving. But, then we realized that there really were no good Thanksgiving songs – at least, not like the foot-tapping Christmas songs. So, we wrote some Thanksgiving Carols of our own, to the tune of popular Christmas songs.

I’ve shared these on my blog before, but I’ve never shared them all in one post. I hope you enjoy these, and feel free to sing them with your family and friends around your Thanksgiving dinner… we do.


Silent Turkey
(to the tune of Silent Night)

Silent turkey
Golden baked turkey
Give me some breast
Give me a thigh
Add some ‘taters
Pile ’em high
And a slice
Of pumpkin pie
I will loosen my belt
I will loosen my belt


Something Smells
(to the tune of Silver Bells)

Something Smells
Something Smells
Have you just burned all our dinner
Should I spray
The stink away
And have a take-out Thanksgiving Day

Cooking turkey, cooking dressing
Cooking dish after dish
In the air there’s the smell of Thanksgiving
Baking brownies, and a few pies
We’ll have all that you wish
But eventually everyone hears


Tommy the Turquoise Turkey
(to the tune of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)

[optional intro]
You know cranberries and football and dressing piled high
Pilgrims and indians and pumpkin pie
But do you recall the best part of Thanksgiving of all

Tommy the Turquoise Turkey (turkey)
Had a very shiny tail (like a blue whale)
And if you ever saw it (saw it)
You would think it was so swell (that’s swell!)

All of the other turkeys (turkeys)
Use to peck and strut about (like a turkey)
When they stood next to Tommy (Tommy)
They made sure that he stood out (pick Tommy!)

Then one cold Thanksgiving eve
Farmer came to say (Yo Yo Yo)
“Tommy with your tail so bright
I need you this very night.”

Then all the family loved him (loved him)
As they gobbled Tommy down (gobble gobble)
Tommy the Turquoise Turkey (turkey)
You’re the yummiest bird around (yum yum)
You’re the yummiest bird around (yum yum)


Here Comes Thanksgiving
(to the tune of Here Comes Santa Claus)

Here comes Thanksgiving
Here comes Thanksgiving
Long before Christmas Day
No jingle bells, no Christmas trees
No songs about a sleigh
We will eat and we will sleep
We’ll watch some football games
Cause it is almost Thanksgiving
And it’s long before Christmas Day


Giblet Gravy
(to the tune of Jingle Bells)

Giblet gravy, giblet gravy
What is it anyway?
Pour some on my dressing, please,
Don’t let it run away.
Giblet gravy, giblet gravy
What is it anyway?
Oh, I don’t care, I’ll eat it up
Cause it’s Thanksgiving Day!


Good Christian Men Eat Up
(to the tune of Good Christian Men Rejoice)

Good Christian men eat up
With fork and knife and cup
Give ye heed to what we say (gobble, gobble)
This is surely Thanksgiving Day
Macy’s floats and Pilgrim hats
You know Black Friday’s coming fast
Turkeys were made for this
Turkeys were made for this


The First Thanksgiving
(to the tune of The First Noel)

The first Thanksgiving the pilgrims did eat
And invited the indians to their feast
They all had turkey and venison
But they did not watch football; there was no ESPN
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
Let’s all sing some carols for Thanksgiving.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 11-18-2012

    I still think “Come Ye Thankful People, Come” is a great (serious) one. Even when it follows tradition and misuses the parable of the sower, it at least asks the Lord of harvest to grant that we, wholesome grain and pure may be.

  2. 11-18-2012


    Yes, there are some (serious) good ones. I like “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and the newer one “Give Thanks.”
