the weblog of Alan Knox

Link Love One Another

Posted by on Dec 26, 2012 in personal | 4 comments

One of the things that I love about blogging is the interaction, both in comments on a blog and between blogs through links. From the beginning of this blog, I’ve tried to link to other blogs often, to interact with people who have various viewpoints and to point my readers to good writers and topics.

About this time each year, I like to officially thank those people who also link to my blog. Unfortunately, I can’t personally thank each person who linked to my blog, especially since I don’t know every time that someone links here. However, if you’ve linked to my site in a blog post, or shared a link on Facebook, or retweeted a link on Twitter, or shared a link in any other way… Thank you!

I really do appreciate it, and I really do appreciate you.

During 2012, the following sites sent the most traffic to my blog, and I want to thank them also:

  1. The Voice of One Crying Out in Suburbia” by Arthur
  2. Dave Black’s Blog
  3. Some Church Stuff” by Dan
  4. Revisiting Scripture” by Tom
  5. A Pilgrim’s Progress” by Eric
  6. Cerulean Sanctum” by Dan
  7. Till He Comes” by Jeremy
  8. Coffee Trader News & Views” by Lindon
  9. From the Pew” by Steve
  10. Being Filled” by Chuck

Again, thank you all (both those listed above and others) who linked to my site and my posts during 2012!


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 12-26-2012

    You’re welcome, Alan! And thank you for the joy of reading your stuff and hoping that you continue to write more in the new year.

  2. 12-26-2012

    5th place. Hmmmm. I’ll have to be more diligent next year.

  3. 12-27-2012

    Wow! If Revisiting Scripture did all that, how come I can’t seem to detect any traffic on the site itself? (:
    Glad for you! Perhaps I can someday understand Google Analytics!

  4. 12-29-2012

    Wow. Your site has certainly sent a lot of traffic my way, Alan, but I have a hard time believing my little blog sent that much to you. Well cool. 🙂 You’re welcome, and thank you as well!