the weblog of Alan Knox

Scripture… As We Live It #245

Posted by on Jan 27, 2013 in as we live it, scripture | 4 comments

This is the 245th passage in “Scripture… As We Live It.”

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope to give us ammunition with which to argue against those who disagree with us. (Acts 15:36 re-mix)

(Please read the first post for an explanation of this series.)


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  1. 1-28-2013

    Yup, toss them grenades over the wall and wipe them out!

  2. 1-28-2013

    There is a place for reasoned debate isn’t there (Matt. 22:29-32)?

  3. 1-29-2013

    We were sitting in the parking lot of one of the Bible translator organizations waiting for our daughter-in-law (who was working there) to come out to go to lunch with us. It was so energizing just to sit there in that place and think of the history. But I couldn’t help but think of William Tyndale -and the spirit that drove him to translate the Bible into a language that a common person could read and understand.

    “I defy the Pope and all his laws, if God spare my life, I will make a boy that driveth the plough know more of the Scripture than thou dost.”

    That day is here now. No longer is the pope, or pastor, or theological student the expert on what the scripture says – we all have access to it. We can find the Greek and Hebrew with two mouse clicks.

    Once upon a time when a leader used a scripture – there wasn’t much anyone could say – except AMEN. Now – we can say – hey – did you look at this? Did you think about that? Did you consider this? It’s not really to prove your right – it’s to help the other person in their walk.

  4. 2-5-2013

    I read a book by Alister McGrath called Christianity’s Dangerous Idea (a history of the Protestant Revolution looking at the concept that all Christians have the right to interpret the Bible for themselves). I also read a biography of Martin Luther. As an unintended legacy it seems Luther can be seen as a model of using scripture as ammunition to argue with those who disagree.

    I find when I want to emulate Luther and be an heroic warrior for truth I end up feeling like a little Pharisee when I fight with people who are not really my enemies. As one pastor quoted someone ” Win the argument, lose the person”.