Video Interview: Jason White (part 3)
Welcome to another video interview. I plan to interview several people about how God is working in their lives and how God is using them to serve others. I hope that these interviews will be an encouragement and challenge to you, just as God has used these people to encourage and challenge me to love God and love others.
This is the third (and final) interview with my friend Jason White. (You can find the first two interviews at “Video Interview: Jason White (part 1)” and “Video Interview: Jason White (part 2).” respectively.) Jason blogs at “Second and Content” and he has a photography site at “Jason White Photo.” For the last couple of years, Jason has been working with a group serving people in South Africa. He visited South Africa for a couple of weeks last year.
Now, Jason is planning to move to South Africa for a year. My interview focuses on that decision and his plans once he gets to South Africa.
In this interview, Jason talks about the importance of mutual edification. Also, we’ve included a video clip from Wim, the man from South Africa that Jason will be working with. Also, don’t miss the “bloopers” and the end of the interview.
Video Interview: Jason White (part 3) from Alan Knox on Vimeo.
You can also download the video interview.
Video Interview: Jason White (part 2)
Welcome to another video interview. I plan to interview several people about how God is working in their lives and how God is using them to serve others. I hope that these interviews will be an encouragement and challenge to you, just as God has used these people to encourage and challenge me to love God and love others.
This is the second interview with my friend Jason White. (You can find the first interview at “Video Interview: Jason White (part 1).” Jason blogs at “Second and Content” and he has a photography site at “Jason White Photo.” For the last couple of years, Jason has been working with a group serving people in South Africa. He visited South Africa for a couple of weeks last year.
Now, Jason is planning to move to South Africa for a year. My interview focuses on that decision and his plans once he gets to South Africa.
In this interview, Jason talks about how his view of ministry has changed, about his past visit to South Africa, and about how God has confirmed his decision to go to South Africa for a year.
Video Interview: Jason White (part 2) from Alan Knox on Vimeo.
You can also download the video interview.
Jason mentioned our mutual friend Maël. Maël (pronounced like Ishmael without the Ish) blogs at “The Adventures of Maël & Cindy.” He has been very influential is my life as well as Jason’s, so I wanted to point my readers/viewers to his blog.
[After the first video interview, we made a few adjustments. We did not try to make all of the suggested changes. If you have any suggestions or opinions about the interview, videography, etc., please feel free to leave a comment.]
Video Interview: Jason White (part 1)
This is my first video interview. I plan to interview several people about how God is working in their lives and how God is using them to serve others. I hope that these interviews will be an encouragement and challenge to you, just as God has used these people to encourage and challenge me to love God and love others.
The first series of interviews are with my friend Jason White. Jason blogs at “Second and Content” and he has a photography site at “Jason White Photo.” For the last couple of years, Jason has been working with a group serving people in South Africa. He visited South Africa for a couple of weeks last year.
Now, Jason is planning to move to South Africa for a year. My interview focuses on that decision and his plans once he gets to South Africa.
Video Interview: Jason White (part 1) from Alan Knox on Vimeo.
You can also download the video interview.
If want to learn more about (or support) the group Susan’s Kids, you can go their website at