the weblog of Alan Knox

Video Interview: Jason White (part 1)

Posted by on Nov 29, 2010 in videos | 3 comments

This is my first video interview. I plan to interview several people about how God is working in their lives and how God is using them to serve others. I hope that these interviews will be an encouragement and challenge to you, just as God has used these people to encourage and challenge me to love God and love others.

The first series of interviews are with my friend Jason White. Jason blogs at “Second and Content” and he has a photography site at “Jason White Photo.” For the last couple of years, Jason has been working with a group serving people in South Africa. He visited South Africa for a couple of weeks last year.

Now, Jason is planning to move to South Africa for a year. My interview focuses on that decision and his plans once he gets to South Africa.

Video Interview: Jason White (part 1) from Alan Knox on Vimeo.

You can also download the video interview.

If want to learn more about (or support) the group Susan’s Kids, you can go their website at


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 11-29-2010

    First class Alan – looking forward to many more.

  2. 11-30-2010


    Thank you. If you (or anyone else) have suggestions concerning format, setting, videography, etc. please let me know. These video interviews will be developing as they go forward.


  3. 12-5-2010


    Just a belated few more comments, my writing brain does not work as fast as yours. You must share the secret with us some time!

    I was pleasantly surprised with how successful the intimacy level of the interview was. A big part of that was that you are both very personable guys, but you also used the medium really well. It made me feel a lot closer to you both.
    The relaxed setting was great. Your use of background soft focus worked really well, as did the atmosphere of the distant soft sound chatter. The bringing into focus at the start and going out of focus at the end was visually very effective. The camera changes were also first class.

    That chatter about your drinks was a powerful prop. I was just mad that you could not hand me one out of the screen! Perhaps the Lord will work it so that I can fly to Wake Forrest someday to take up your offer to share the coffee and the Lord with you there.

    But most of all, I learned a lot about you Jason and how God is working in your life. Also, the ripples of Susan’s Kids have reached to the other side of the pond! May God continue to bless you.

    Looking forward to the next interview.


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