the weblog of Alan Knox

5 Things I Dig About Jesus

Posted by on Jun 17, 2007 in blog links | 9 comments

Bryan from “Charis Shalom” has tagged me to post five things I dig about Jesus. I’ve been out of town, so I do not know what other people have posted. However, I have been thinking about this since I read Bryan’s post. I’ve decided to not only list five things that I dig about Jesus, but I’m also going to blog about each of those five things during the next week. First, here are the rules:

1. Those Tagged will share 5 things they dig about Jesus.
2. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
3. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here of their meme so that others can read them.

Now, here are five things that I dig about Jesus – in no particular order:

1. Jesus is the Great High Priest.
2. Jesus is the Great Shepherd (Senior Pastor)
3. Jesus demonstrates God’s love even towards those who reject him.
4. Jesus cares more about people than rituals.
5. Jesus abides with me and I can abide with him.

Now, I am supposed to tag five more bloggers to take part in this meme. If I do not pick you, but you want to take part anyway, please put a link in the comments here so we can read your five things.

1. Lew
2. Eric
3. Brandon
4. Aussie John
5. Joel


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 6-18-2007

    Looks like I’m first! 🙂


  2. 6-18-2007


    Glad you’re doing the meme, and its especially cool that you’re going to spend so much time on it!

    I’m trying to keep track of where it goes from the originating post here

  3. 6-18-2007


    I’m tagged and so are five more!

  4. 6-18-2007

    Great list- I wonder how far it will go before we start repeating one another!

  5. 6-18-2007

    I love a good game of tag! And this is truly a great way to focus on Jesus! Here’s the shortcut to my post:

  6. 6-18-2007

    love these 🙂

  7. 6-18-2007

    Done and… done.

  8. 6-18-2007

    Thank you for taking part. I’ve enjoyed following everyone’s links and reading their five things – and the five things of those that you tagged – etc. etc. etc. This has been and continues to be a great meme.


  9. 6-28-2007

    Hey, everybody!

    One thing I like about memes like this is it helps you discover other great bloggers doing cool stuff. Great idea for this meme.

    Carl from RevivalBlog tagged me. So, I threw in my hat. Here are a few things I dig about Jesus:

    1: Jesus digs puns
    2: Jesus digs children
    3: Jesus digs stories
    4: Jesus digs naps
    5: Jesus digs freaks and geeks

    Okay, maybe not overly spiritual. But if you want to see my rationale, see my post:

    The I Dig Jesus Meme: My Response



  1. Jesus cares more about people than rituals | The Assembling of the Church - [...] years ago, I took part in a meme called “Five Things I Dig About Jesus.” Not only did I…