the weblog of Alan Knox

The Millennium Post

Posted by on Aug 6, 2008 in personal | 15 comments

I’m sorry to disappoint you – well, those of you who love to debate these things – but this post is not about eschatology. Instead, this is my 1000th post – my millennium post!

For the last month, I’ve been trying to decide what I wanted to write for my 1000th post. I honestly believe that the best thing about this blog is the interaction with the readers both in the comments here and at their own blogs.

So, for my 1000th blog post, I want ask you a favor. Yes, you. I’m talking to you. Will you please introduce yourself? I know it is customary to leave “congratulations” on milestones such as this, and that’s fine. But, while you are saying “congratulations”, please tell us something about you. You can tell a little, or alot. Whatever your feel comfortable saying.

If you comment here often, tell us about yourself. If you comment occasionally, tell us who you are. If you’ve never commented before, we still would like to know about you. Let’s use this opportunity to get to know one another better. Even I already know you very well, please leave some info anyway – my readers may not know you.

Meanwhile, I need to think about what to write for #1001.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 8-6-2008

    Lionel Woods
    Born: Benton Harbor, MI
    Living: DFW Metroplex, TX
    Occupation: Finance Analyst
    Status: Married 10 Years, 2 children, one on the way
    Church: Lifeline Bible Church
    Position: Leadeship Development/Whatever we need
    Interests: Theology, Basketball, Music (Hip Hop preferably)
    Favorite Past Time: Reading or kicking it with my family

    In a nutshell, I am a pretty normal guy who probalby jokes too much to be taken serious sometimes. I love my family and my friends. I try to work out my theology on a blog in order not to step on the toes of those I serve with. I am grateful to have found this blog, which I still don’t know how. This led me to Dr. Blacks blog and boy many of the things I have been questioning you guys have been questioning for a long time. I appreciate your honesty and vulnerablity. Being a black guy I usually can’t hold these discussion with many people.

  2. 8-6-2008

    Nicole McCurdy
    Occupation: Servant to Jesus Christ, pastor’s wife, homeschool mom
    Status: Wife for 14 years, 4 daughters
    Church: Union View Baptist

    I have grown to love reading about you and your family. You encourage me in my daily life and interests. It seems that usually we are think about the same subject most of the time. Congratulation on 1000 posts. Isn’t it surprising we actually have that many and more things to talk about.

  3. 8-6-2008

    I am honored and greatly humbled to serve Alan as his Ph.D. advisor. I am certain that one day he will publish a dissertation that will cause many to rethink their ecclesiology.

    Congratulations, Alan. I’ll take a dozen just like you.

  4. 8-6-2008

    My name’s Joshua Cauley (many people know me as Skwirl). I graduated from South Eastern this past December with a BABS and now I’m heading to Estonia for two years. That pretty much sums up my whole existence at the moment.

  5. 8-6-2008

    Clay W. Ginn
    Location: DFW
    Occupation: Systems Analyst for a small software company
    Status: Married for nearly 12 years, 7yo daughter, 5yo son, 3 month old daughter

    I’ve only been reading your stuff for the last few months Alan, but it’s always been good stuff. Congrats on hitting 1000.

  6. 8-6-2008

    I planned to tell about myself in the first comment on this post, but that didn’t work out. So, here is my info:

    My name is Alan Knox. I was born in Alexander City, AL. I currently live in Youngsville, NC (near Raliegh). I have also lived in the Atlanta metro area twice. I’ve been married to Margaret for 19 1/2 years. We met in the fourth grade and have known each other since then. We have two children: Jeremy and Miranda. We also have two dogs: Lucy and Aggie. I work as a web developer and an adjunct professor. Most people think that I am very serious and studious, but when they meet me they’re usually surprised to find that I’m not. I like to hang out with people, tell jokes (Margaret said to tell everyone that my jokes are not funny), and have a good time.


  7. 8-6-2008

    Hi, my name is David Rogers, and I am a career missionary, together with my wife, Kelly, and 2 sons, Jonathan & Stephen, to Spain, with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

    I came across Alan's blog somehow or another, I don't remember now, a couple of years ago, and appreciated the open-minded, yet biblically-based approach he takes to several topics in which I am especially intereseted, most particularly, ecclesiology.

    Since then, I have had the blessing to spend some quality time with Alan & his family, as well as get to know a number of the folks who fellowship with them at Messiah Baptist Church in Wake Forest, NC.

    This Fall, I will also begin studies in the new Missions Cohort PhD program at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. They have worked this out so all of us in the cohort (other IMB missionaries) will be able to do finsih our studies while still on the field.

    After 1 year of Stateside Assignment, we are due to return to Spain, Lord willing, on Aug. 25.

    Some may also be interested to know that my deceased father was Adrian Rogers, past president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and well-known television and radio preacher.

    In addition to my personal blog, Love Each Stone
    , I am also a regular contributor at sbc IMPACT!.

  8. 8-6-2008


    I’m an old Aussie, who was born a sinner, into a farming family at Murwillumbah, in northern New South Wales, a few days before the Second World War began.

    Married for 46 years, to an amazing wife whose “worth is far above rubies”.

    We have five children, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Had the privilege of raising our children on a farm.

    Involved in church since twelve years of age. Was born anew during the ensuing years. Preaching the Gospel since 18 yrs, became an elder in late twenties,began, so-called,”full time ministry” mid thirties,and continued until caused to retire because of chronic osteo-arthritis.

    The last ten years of leadership was in an honorary (unpaid) capacity, and the most blessed and satisfying. I am convinced that most church leadership ought to be that way, for many reasons.

    My major concern, apart from making disciples is to see major reforms in ecclesiology, which I am convinced is as far from Biblical as soteriology was pre-Reformation.

    So many sins,failures,and goof-ups: I am still the same sinner, an ordinary, but now an old bloke, almost three score years and ten, but still rejoicing in knowing that I am a sinner, saved through faith; and that not of myself, it is the gift of God; not as a result of anything I have done, so that I may never boast in my newness, because I am His workmanship, created in and through the person, and finished work of the Lord Christ Jesus.

  9. 8-6-2008

    Hello, my name is Chris Freet. I live in the mountains of northeast PA with my wife of seven years, Stacey, and our two daughters, Emma (4yr) and Ana (6 mos).

    I am currently an associate pastor in the Free Methodist church. I am a graduate of Evangelical Theological Seminary and I hope to someday pursue PhD studies.

    I am one of the many people who are regularly encouraged and challenged by this particular blog. Thanks, Alan, for making us think and rethink what a biblical ecclesiology ‘looks’ like.

  10. 8-6-2008

    Congrats brother on writing lots of stuff that lots of other people like to read!

    As for me, what you probably need to know is that one time I got hit in the head with my own bowling ball.

  11. 8-6-2008

    As my name states, I am Jeff Greathouse. I have been in full-time ministry for the last 15 years. I have had ministries in numerous states and numerous denominations.

    I am currently in Wooster, Ohio. I am the Director of Youth and Family Ministry at a Lutheran Church (ELCA).

    We are really geared for ministry to families and serving our community. We really believe “hard” in being out in the community.

    From a personal standpoint, I have been married for 14+ years and have 3 children.

    I read the blog all the time and comment quite frequently.

  12. 8-6-2008

    Born in NYC, living in Maine, married with four grown kids, 5-string banjo picker, builder/CFP.

    I’ve benefited from the work on ecclesiology that Alan and others have done, and look forward to the next millennium 🙂

  13. 8-6-2008

    My name is Gary Delaney. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. I have a wonderful wife of 12 years, Elizabeth. I also have an 11 year old son, Daniel.

    I currently work for a goverment contractor in the area of records management.

    Up until 2 years ago I was very much involved in inner-city ministry. After years of preaching the gospel in the inner-city of Cincinnati the open doors all closed.

    Since that time, the Lord has been teaching me many things about the institutional church. It has been a real eye opening experience.

    Right now I am waiting on the Lord for His timing to start a home church. I’m currently in a season of preparation.

    I somehow stumbled upon Alan’s blog a few months back. And, it has been a true blessing. It’s awesome to be able to dialogue with other Christians about things that alot of others just don’t understand.

    By the way, congratulations Alan, on your 1,000th Post!!


  14. 8-7-2008


    Congratulations on your 1000th post! I have enjoyed reading all of your thought-provoking posts and I hope to read many, many, many more.

    This is my first comment on your blog (or any blog for that matter) because I am new to the blogosphere. Well, I have been reading blogs for years but have finally decided to join the fray. You are welcome visit my blog at

    Briefly about me: I am a follower of Jesus Christ and love my wife of nearly 12 years. We enjoy discipling our four wonderful children ages 8 yrs and under (3 girls and 1 boy). I am a graduate of SEBTS (MDiv with Advanced Biblical Studies degree and completed 15 of 24 hrs toward a ThM in Systematic Theology under Dr. Hammett) and a grateful (former) student of David Alan Black, whose blog I have read regularly for years.

    We currently live in Louisburg, NC and homeschool our children. We are prayerfully trying to transition into full-time ministry.

    Thanks again for your work.

    Your brother,
    Glenn Kerstetter

  15. 8-7-2008

    My name is Joe Blackmon. I am the Awana Commander (whatever that is) at Grace Baptist Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. I am an auditor but before you pull out the silver bullets and wooden stakes I audit governmental bodies so if you are not a government you won’t see hide nor hair of me. I was born in Silverhill, Alabama (population 3,245 SALUTE) and I am proof that God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. I am a Calvanist Pre-millenial credobaptist cessationist and proud of it. If you disagree with me, that’s fine. All of us born again believers will have a good laugh around the marriage supper of the Lamb becuase God is too wonderful and His word is too profound for any of us to have figured everything out anyway.