Update on Dave Black
Thank you for everyone who has been praying for Dave Black (see my post “Pray for Dave Black“). I appreciate everyone who contacted me since Tuesday for an update. Here is the latest update that we received this morning from his wife, BeckyLynn:
I just talked to Dave….he sounds washed out, but is doing well. He says to please pass along to everyone his special thanks for your prayers. If our Lord is willing, this afternoon I will be bringing him home. It will take another week to get “out of the woods”, so please continue to pray for him. Malaria is not often seen in US hospitals, so news of his case travelled everywhere at UNC….and this issued many opportunities to share the Gospel and the joy of working for His Kingdom. As with Paul’s imprisonment, God has already worked it for good and eternal benefit. Praise Him!
So, on behalf and Dave and BeckyLynn Black, Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for his recovery!
I appreciate the update.