the weblog of Alan Knox

Reminder: 21st Century Church Blogging/Essay Contest

Posted by on Oct 26, 2009 in blog links, books | Comments Off on Reminder: 21st Century Church Blogging/Essay Contest

If you haven’t started writing your entry for Energion Publication’s Blogging/Essay Contest, why not start today? The topic of the essay/blog post should be “What should a congregation following Jesus Christ in ministry look like?.” The deadline is November 2.

I’m one of the judges, and each entry will be judged in these 5 areas:

  1. Biblically rooted
  2. Historically aware
  3. Complete
  4. Clear and Concise
  5. Overall impression, including appearance, discussion generated, and anything one of the judges wants to include

Winners will receive free books and gift cards.

So, again, if you haven’t started writing your essay/post yet, why not start today? And, hop over to the publisher’s book site to let them know that you’ll be taking part.