the weblog of Alan Knox

When the Church was Young by Ernest Loosely

Posted by on Dec 26, 2009 in books | 1 comment

Last night, I started reading one of the books that I received as Christmas gifts: When the Church was Young by Ernest Loosely. So far, the book has been fairly interesting, primarily because it was published almost 100 years ago! (first published in 1935)

There is very little on the internet about Ernest Loosely. I skipped the publisher’s note, so I’ll probably have to read it to learn more about the author. If you know anything about him, please let us know.

One of the interesting things about this is to read that people were struggling with ecclesiastical issues like buildings and denominations and offices two generations ago. The problems that Loosely points out in his day are only more heightened today.

Perhaps, though, today people are more interested in seeing the church change.

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  1. 12-26-2009

    It’s always encouraging to me when I remember how far before Luther were Wycliffe and Huss. Then I remember when Tim Robbins said (in Shawshank Redemption), “Well, from now on I’ll write two letters a day.”