the weblog of Alan Knox

Updated Website for Messiah Baptist Church

Posted by on Nov 23, 2010 in personal | 5 comments

Some of you like to track my web development activities, and some of you like to track our church activities. Recently, I updated our church’s website, so you can track both at the same time.

The url for the website is Most of the information is the same. But, I focused the images on the front page (which were random) to the four activities found in Acts 2:42.

I also added pages about “What to expect” and “Missions and Service” and an “Image Gallery.”

Even with the additions, I tried to keep the site simple and focused on the people who make up the church.


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  1. 11-23-2010

    awesome. I never knew the name of your church 🙂 very cool. not that it matters really.. but it’s still cool 🙂

    on “about” page — it says, “where is you church” (freudian slip?)

  2. 11-23-2010


    Thanks! I fixed the typo.


  3. 11-23-2010

    Baptist! I wouldn’t have guessed. I guess it goes to say you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover (or a cover by the book?). I’ve got nothing against baptists, but I honestly wouldn’t have guessed you were one of them. They must have lowered their standards. 🙂

    (Growing up I’ve been in and out of many Baptist churches, and none of them sound the same as ‘your’ ‘church’.)

    Love the website design and content. And if I lived in your neighborhood I’d be checking your group out. Good work!

  4. 11-23-2010


    I’ll take that as a compliment. 🙂

    Actually, we’re not baptist enough for some baptists.


  5. 11-25-2010


    You are plenty “baptist” enough, you might not be “Baptist” enough if you take my meaning.