the weblog of Alan Knox article: To Transform a City, begin with your neighbors

Posted by on Jan 17, 2011 in | 1 comment

I’ve published another article as the “Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner” on The article is called “To Transform a City, begin with your neighbors.”

As you may have guessed, the articles introduces the book To Transform a City by Eric Swanson and Sam Williams. Since articles can only be 200-300 words, I had to be very brief.

Here is the introduction to my article:

Around the United States, and even in North Carolina in the “Bible belt,” Christians are concerned about the death of “Christian America.” While some decry the loss of Christendom and privileges for Christian organizations, others see opportunities for discipleship.

Please jump over to, read my new article, and interact with it there.

One Comment

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  1. 1-17-2011

    Great article Alan!