the weblog of Alan Knox article: Moving beyond “Churchianity”

Posted by on Mar 1, 2011 in | 7 comments

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “Moving beyond ‘Churchianity.’

This article is a short ( articles have to be short) review of Michael Spencer’s posthumously published Mere Churchianity.

Here is a brief excerpt:

The late Michael Spencer was known to many as the Internet Monk. On his blog, he published articles on the edge of evangelicalism calling Christians back to a spirituality that was shaped like Jesus Christ. Why? Because Spencer saw a disconnect between the Jesus of Scriptures and the modern day church.

His book Mere Churchianity: Finding Your Way Back to Jesus-Shaped Spirituality which was published posthumously continues that call.

Please use the link above to read the rest of the article.


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  1. 3-1-2011

    Alan, don’t see a link.


  2. 3-1-2011

    oops… thanks, Jack! I fixed it.


  3. 3-1-2011

    Mere Churchianity was one of my favorite books from 2010. I posted a short review on it a few months back. Michael Spencer spoke my language better than any other author in the last several years. I loved that his passion was not merely to belittle the common church systems but rather to highlight the supremacy of Jesus which casts a large shadow over those same systems. When Jesus is exalted, everything else pales in comparison and takes its rightful place at his feet. I Highly recommend the book.

  4. 3-1-2011


    Yes, Mere Churchianity was one of my favorite reads of 2010 also.


  5. 3-1-2011

    I am reading it now. FYI, I just got accepted by Examiner as well and listed you as my reference so you should see a little taste of the action in your paypal account.

  6. 3-1-2011


    Thanks for letting me know. Apparently Examiner has an issue related to notifying people about referrals.


  7. 3-2-2011

    ohhh i gotta read that one!