the weblog of Alan Knox

My friend is serving the needy in Belgium (with video)

Posted by on Jan 21, 2011 in love, missional, service | 2 comments

When you get to know students in college or seminary, you are often saying, “Goodbye.” A few years ago, I remember saying, “Goodbye” to a friend named Josh – actually, we called him by a nickname, but I won’t get into that.

Josh was a roommate of a close friend of mine, and he often came to visit our office at work. He wanted to move to Europe. After graduation, he went through several relational and travel issues. But, he is now in Europe.

Occasionally, Josh will send out an email so friends and family will know what’s going on in his life. In his recent email, he also included a link to a video. In the video, we see Josh and some friends caring for homeless people on the cold streets of a city in Belgium.

Here is the video: (Josh is the young man with a beard and glasses.)

A Cold Day in Belgium from Clay Sandoz on Vimeo.

It is so encouraging and challenging to see Josh serving the homeless! And, I love the end of the video where another young man says that next time they will bring others with them. That’s the way to make disciples of Jesus Christ!


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  1. 1-22-2011

    Hey Alan,
    Wanted to say thanks for posting the video! Josh is a great guy and we’re glad to be serving next to him.

    Enjoy the blog.


  2. 1-23-2011


    Thanks for sharing the video with us!
