the weblog of Alan Knox

“Simply inviting them to church isn’t very effective”

Posted by on Mar 10, 2011 in missional | 2 comments

Lately, I’ve been able to catch up with a friend (Josh) who was a student in the college here a few years ago. I wrote about him briefly in my post “My friend is serving the needy in Belgium.” It turns out that my friend is now serving people in Belgium.

After writing that post and linking to a video that showed Josh (and others) serving meals to the homeless, I was able to talk with Josh a couple of time via Skype. It was interesting and exciting to hear him talking about trying to challenge Belgium believers to care for those (like the homeless) who were in need.

Now, thanks to Dan, I’ve found another video of Josh. This time, the video is an interview of Josh. In the interview, he explains how his love of music is helping him build relationships in Belgium.

Here’s the video:

Untitled from Go2819 on Vimeo.

What do you think about what Josh said? How much of it do you think applies to your culture (wherever you are)?

(HT: Dan)


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  1. 3-11-2011

    finding common ground to connect. good

    only sees 2 groups…. people who believe in everything. people who believe in nothing (except their idols). I can relate to that.

    Bible lived out not just read to them… that’s what people need… the walking Word. as Jesus was. that’s the mission…. if our churches today *really* wanted an effective evangelism strategy – it wouldn’t be invite a neighbor to Sunday – it would be GO – LIVE.

  2. 3-11-2011


    I’m very excited about what Josh is doing in Belgium. I also think there are parallels to our culture in the US.
