the weblog of Alan Knox article: Sunday 101: Why should Christians meet together?

Posted by on Feb 27, 2011 in | 1 comment

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. This article is part of my Sunday 101 series. It is called “Sunday 101: Why should Christians meet together?

If you’ve been reading my blog for very long, then you know that my PhD dissertation is an attempt to answer that very question. But, in this article, I try to answer the question in less than 300 words.

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

So, why should believers get together with one another? If you ask most Christians that question, you would probably hear the answer, “Worship.” But, Scripture does not indicate that Christians get together expressly for the purpose of worship.

Instead, for the person following Jesus Christ, all of life should be lived as an offering of worship to God. In fact, Paul writes about giving our bodies (referring to our whole lives) as a sacrifice of God in order to worship him. We worship God when we obey him in each part of our lives and in everything that we do.

Please use the link above to read the remainder of the article.

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  1. 2-27-2011


    What a difference it would make if every Christian understood, and believed that one truth!