the weblog of Alan Knox

This church is meeting for a real church service

Posted by on Apr 20, 2011 in blog links, gathering, service | 2 comments

Chris at “The Amplified Life” continues to tell us about their church’s plans to serve their community. The most recent post is called “5th Sunday is Coming.”

I linked to their “5th Sunday” plans a few weeks ago. They are planning to give up their “5th Sunday” church “worship services” in order to serve their community. Yes, I know that some churches are out and about in their neighborhoods serving all the time. But, I’m excited when I read about churches beginning to understand their responsibility to their neighbors.

Here is part of their plans:

So far we have four service areas for the day.  First, we will be doing a litter pluck on the stretch of highway in our local community.  Second, we will be doing a litter pluck in at a recreational area along the Delaware River (and this 5th Sunday is on Memorial Day weekend…there will be people present in the area–I wonder what God is going to do in that area?).  Third, a few miles from our church there is a nursing home that we will visit and spend time with the the residents.  I imagine a group of 30-40 people showing up to love on the elderly in the home and I cannot help but get excited!  Finally, a smaller group will be be going to the home of a local widow to do some cleaning and yard maintenance.

I’m praying that this opportunity to give up their normal meeting in order to serve others will be the start of missional living for this church! I’m also praying that other churches see and follow their example. Finally, I’m praying that they are able to show their neighbors the love of God and introduce them to the good news of Jesus Christ!


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  1. 4-20-2011

    Thanks so much for the prayers! You are praying for the same things I am 🙂 My desire is that this would become normative for us and impact the local community for Christ.
    Grace and Peace,

  2. 4-20-2011


    Thank you for telling us about this. Please keep us posted!
