the weblog of Alan Knox

Scripture… As We Live #179

Posted by on Oct 23, 2011 in as we live it, scripture | 6 comments

This is the 179th passage in “Scripture… As We Live It.”

Each one must give as he has made up his mind at least 10% – more if possible – to your local church, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7 re-mix)

(Please read the first post for an explanation of this series.)


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  1. 10-23-2011


    I agree completely with what you have written here.

    How is it that you seem to avoid people referring to you as “divisive” because of stuff like this? If I wrote this post I know of at least one person who would label me as a trouble maker. Why the difference?

  2. 10-23-2011

    I’m surprised you didn’t include something all “or they will lose their church membership privileges” to replace “under compulsion”. At least I understand that would happen in some churches.

  3. 10-23-2011

    You are so right! I am living this experience right now, due to the fact that one of our elders (who leads music and youth, and does nearly everything else in the church) was forced to resign (blackmailed) because he was not “tithing.” It is a sad state of affairs we find ourselves having to deal with in this day and age.

  4. 10-23-2011

    I have the same question as Eric! Alan, you seem to have a “way” that doesn’t get you called all sorts of names, the most mild of them would probably be “divisive”. Well regardless, today’s “as we live” is timely as I was just writing something about it myself! 🙂

  5. 10-23-2011

    Hopefully its dawning on people that being “kicked out” of an organization for not adhering to its unbiblical religious rules is a blessing. They cannot kick you out of the church that Christ is building so rejoice and be free.

  6. 11-13-2011

    You might as well have struck out ‘cheerful’ too.