the weblog of Alan Knox

Exhausting ourselves for the sake of others

Posted by on Jan 20, 2012 in blog links, service | Comments Off on Exhausting ourselves for the sake of others

My friend Lionel at “a view of the woods” doesn’t blog that much anymore. Something about life and work and school and family and other lame excuses. Anyway, when he does blog, it is well worth reading. For example, consider his latest post “Exhausted For Love’s Sake.”

Lionel admits that he’s been very tired lately… but what has been making him tired? Being tired is not a problem… what makes us tired or exhausted could indicate a problem.

I love the way he describes this:

Paul writes in 2 Corinthians about his current state of life (and no I am not saying we have to live like Paul or should aspire, but we can learn from him). He was hungry, tired, naked, threatened, beat all for the Gospel. He had no notoriety, was not climbing the corporate ladder, was not chasing more education or a higher paycheck, actually he says in another letter “I count it all a loss”. Paul once he met Christ decided to forfeit those things I have decided to exhaust myself for them. While he decided to be exhausted for people, I have been exhausted for stuff. Stuff will burn, loving people builds eternal value. I am exhausted for the worthless, Paul, exhausted for the priceless.

Thanks for a great post and great challenge, Lionel!

What do you think? What are you being exhausted by?