the weblog of Alan Knox

Scripture… As We Live It #42

Posted by on Feb 22, 2009 in as we live it, scripture | 9 comments

This is passage #42 in “Scripture… As We Live It“:

By this these things all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another by your t-shirts, bumper stickers, signs, speeches, political affiliation, church membership, vocabulary, etc. (John 13:35 re-mix)


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  1. 2-22-2009

    Love one another as much as you love your stuff.

  2. 2-22-2009

    I struggle when I hear questions about whether or not something is “Christian.” Is that band Christian? Is that store Christian?

  3. 2-22-2009

    Or your memory verses, big study Bibles, sermon note-taking, journaling…..

  4. 2-22-2009

    and by your theology, by having good answers to all of life’s questions.

  5. 2-22-2009

    by giving up ones life for the sake of the institution, due to being at the building every time the doors are open.

  6. 2-22-2009

    if you use only fresh, organic ingredients and no pre-packaged mixes in the dish you bring to the church potluck and play only contemporary “Christian” music on your ipod while you jog.

  7. 2-23-2009

    This song seems to fit here:

  8. 2-23-2009

    Replace the words “my disciples” with the word “religious”, and almost everyone will find it an accurate statement, especially those who are not His disciples.

  9. 2-24-2009
