the weblog of Alan Knox

Scripture… As We Live It #44

Posted by on Mar 8, 2009 in as we live it, scripture | 5 comments

This is the 44th installment of “Scripture… As We Live It“:

So those who received agreed with his word attended membership classes and were baptized, and there were added that day over the next few weeks, months, and years about three thousand less than the original three thousand souls – those who agreed with the church’s statement of faith, attended all the membership classes, and were baptized with the proper motive, method, and administrator. (Acts 2:41 re-mix)


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  1. 3-8-2009

    We have complicated things a bit, haven’t we?

  2. 3-8-2009

    We sure have complicated things. I suppose when you think about it, all those who are part of the body of Christ are in “membership classes,” not just new believers. Alan, what do you believe to be the difference between receiving the word and agreeing with the word? I gather that receiving(apodechomai) entails one’s attitude about that which is received. It is more than simple intellectual assent. In other words, those who “received his word” not only believed particular facts but warmly and enthusiastically accepted the gospel. Great post!

  3. 3-8-2009


    That accurately sums up the situation. Unforturnately!!


  4. 3-8-2009

    now that one I totally got 🙂 very good post. Pretty un-real how far we’ve gotten away from how ‘simple’ it can be.

  5. 3-8-2009


    Hosea 9:1 immediately came to mind.